Q.1 –   What is the URL of Prahari?

Ans.     URL of Prahari is http://wms.uppwd.gov.in/Prahari/. In URL of Prahari P is in Capital and / at the end is must.


Q.2 –   What is the importance of Prahari?

Ans.     In UPPWD vide G.O. No. 879 (1)/23-7-2020 dated 25-08-2020 of PW-Section-9 Prahari Software for technical evaluation of bids has been launched. Before launching of Prahari Software technical bids used to be evaluated manually and due to this sometimes complaints were made of favoritism. To stop such type of complaints and maintain transparency in technical evaluation Prahari Software has been launched in UPPWD.


Q.3 –   For uploading of bids in Prahari what is to be done by the department? 

Ans.     The tender clerk of a Division of PWD has to upload the bid document on e-tender portal i.e. http://www.etender.up.nic.in as usual. After uploading of tender document on e-tender portal the tender clerk will have to download tender-ID of each work from e-tender portal.  

                        As tender clerk will open Prahari login page will appear. After selecting user type PWD tender clerk will fill up username and password of Executive Engineer of Chanakya portal. Tender clerk will then click ‘Tender Management’ and then click ‘New Tender’. He/She will have to upload basic tender information, financial information, machinery requirement, manpower requirement, lab equipment requirement as per the requirements mentioned in bid document.

In Prahari software work id is same as tender id of the work downloaded from e-tender portal.

The basic and financial information shall be filled in Rs or Lac as mentioned in Prahari software.


Q.4 –   What is to be done by Contractor in Prahari for uploading of bid?

Ans.     The Contractor or Bidder will have to download tender-ID of each work from e-tender portal for which he/she is interested to bid.

                        As Contractor or Bidder will open Prahari login page will appear. After selecting user type Contractor he/she will fill up username and password as used in Registration portal of Chanakya. He/She can upload the basic information/documents on organization/Bank/Experience details/Equipment details any time and then he/she will have to get it approved by showing original documents in any Division/Circle of the Department. The information/document which needs approval from Divisional/Circle Officers are of such nature which bidder normally uses in every bid, i.e the documents are of such nature which are not work specific. The responsibility of authenticity of the document lies on the Contractor uploading the document and not on the approving authority. Once the documents are uploaded and approved on Prahari it need not to be uploaded for each tender again and again & it will be stored in the database of the Prahari. If Contractor wishes to update the information/document he/she will have to delete the previous information and upload the information/document again & get it approved by the department.

For the documents which are work specific, Contractor will have to upload/fill up at the time of uploading of the documents for a particular bid and it need not to be get approved by the department. As quoted earlier the responsibility of the  authenticity of the information/document will totally lie on the Contractor and not the departmental officer in any case. 

In Prahari software work id is same as tender id of the work downloaded from e-tender portal.

The basic and financial information shall be filled in Rs or Lac as mentioned in Prahari software.


Q.5 –   What is active tender, submitted tender, inprocess tender in login page of Contractor in Prahari?

Ans.     According to the eligibility of the Contractor, on active tender page all the tenders will be displayed, which are active at the time of login.

                        Submitted tenders shall display all the tenders which have been successfully submitted by the bidder.

                        Inprocess tenders shall display all the tenders which are in process of submission but are still to be submitted.


Q.6 –   When DSC shall be used?

Ans.     At the time of submission of the tender either by tender clerk or Contractor DSC shall be used for final submission of the tender on Prahari portal.


Q.7 –   Does bidder or contractor has to upload the information/documents on e-tender portal of NIC?

Ans.     On e-tender portal of NIC the bidder or contractor has not to upload any document which earlier he/she used to upload on e-tender portal of NIC.

                        After downloading tender id of a particular work in which the contractor or bidder is interested to bid, he/she will have to upload all the information/document on Prahari portal. Tender id downloaded from e-tender portal shall be the work id for Prahari. After submission of the information/documents on Prahari the bidder will download Technical Sheet E1 from Prahari. Only Technical Sheet E1 downloaded from Prahari shall be uploaded on e-tender portal of NIC. Any other document apart from Technical Sheet E1 uploaded on e-tender portal of NIC shall not be considered for evaluation of the bid and any claim regarding this of the bidder shall not be entertained.

                        The bidder will have to submit tender fee, document fee, earnest money on e-tender portal as usual.


Q.8 –   What will happen when a Contractor challenges the outcome of Prahari regarding technical evaluation of his/her bid?

Ans.     When a Contractor challenges the outcome of Prahari regarding technical evaluation of his/her bid, he/she will have to give a written complaint to the competent authority quoting his/her tender id, PAN No, GSTIN No, Registration No. The competent authority will download the documents uploaded on Prahari related to the complaint in question. Then the technical evaluation shall be done by the Tender Opening Committee manually and will send its recommendation to the committee constituted vide G.O. No. 879 (1)/23-7-2020 dated 25-08-2020 of PW-Section-9 at Headquarter level. The Tender Opening Committee will send its recommendation in either case whether the complaint is found correct or incorrect.  The committee at Headquarter level will again evaluate the bid.

If the complaint is found correct the committee will rectify the technical evaluation sheet on Prahari which shall be downloaded by the competent authority and will upload the rectified Technical Sheet on e-tender portal & financial bid will be opened as usual.

If the complaint is found incorrect the committee at the Headquarter level will upload punishment of debarring or black listing of the complainer for unnecessary delaying the process of opening of the bid.


Q.9 –   What will happen if a participating contractor or bidder complains for other contractor?

Ans.     The same process as quoted in FAQ No. 8 shall be applicable. In this case the contractual details of both bidder shall be sent to the Committee at Headquarter level. If the complaint is found correct, punishment of debarring or black listing shall be recommended and uploaded on Prahari portal against the Contractor or Bidder against whom complaint has been made. If the complaint is found incorrect, punishment of debarring or black listing shall be recommended and uploaded on Prahari portal against the complainant for unnecessary delaying the process of opening of the bid.


Q.10 – Who is responsible for correctness of the informations/documents uploaded on Prahari?

Ans.     The Contractor/Bidder will be responsible for correctness of the informations/documents uploaded on the Prahari whether it involves approval of the PWD authority of Division/Circle or not.  


Q.11 – What steps are required to be taken from the departmental officers for success of Prahari?

Ans.     a) All the ongoing works of all contractors need to be essentially uploaded on Chanakya either by the way of e-billing or non MB entry.

            b) As quoted in the clause-2 (6) of G.O. dated 25-08-2020, when the financial bid is opened, the cost of the tender and other details of L1 Contractor is to be uploaded on Prahari on the same day so that it is compiled/added in the bid capacity of the contractor.

            c) If acceptance is not issued in favour of L1 Contractor due to some reason, the status should be amended accordingly and uploaded on Prahari.

            d) After signing of the agreement the work is to be registered immediately on Chanakya. After registration of the work the L1 detail of the Contractor is to be deleted from Prahari to avoid duplicacy in the bid capacity.

            e) Experience certificate issued by the authority needs to be immediately uploaded  on Prahari by Contractor and approved by the authority.

            f) Publicity and training of Prahari among Contractors are to be done widely by concerned departmental authorities.


Q.12 – What steps are required to be taken by the department to minimize the complaints against Prahari?

Ans.     On any complaint the Tender Opening Committee needs to manually evaluate the bid(s) under question of complaint and recommend the evaluation whether found correct or incorrect to the Committee at Headquarter level.

                        The Committee at Headquarter level has the power and authority to impose punishment against the complainant on Prahari portal. This provision in Prahari has been made to redress the serious complaints of the contractors and to minimize the frivolous complaints.


Q.13 – Shall a complaint made by a third party on the outcome of Prahari be entertained?

Ans.     Third party is a person other than participating contractors of a bid. So, the complaint made by a third party shall not be entertained.


Q.14 – What is the advantage of Prahari?

Ans.     The advantages of Prahari are –

·        Freedom from manual evaluation of technical bid.

·        Transparency in evaluation of technical bid.

·        No time delay in evaluation of technical bid.

·        Effective complaint redressal system.


Q.15 – Is any system available for educating the working of Prahari for departmental officers/contractors?

Ans.     FAQ, Video and PPT is available on Prahari portal of UPPWD.


Q.16 – Is any additional information to be given in NIT?

Ans.     Yes. Additional information to be given in NIT are –

·        In NIT for press short instruction is to be added regarding the URL of Prahari and details available in NIT enclosed in bid document.

·        In NIT to be enclosed in bid document the points to be added regarding Prahari has been sent by email to all CE/SE/EE vide E-in-C & HOD letter no. 4859/4M-LC/2020 dated 27-08-2020.


Q.17 – Is Prahari applicable for bids regarding building work?

Ans.     At present, No. Prahari for tender related to building works, is in the process of formulation.